Spring Comes to Royal Palaces in Seoul

Spring has finally come to Seoul and this is no exception for the royal palaces located in the center of the capital.
Flowers have started to peek out of their buds to catch the warm sunshine of April after the unpredictable chilly weather stood in the way the past few weeks.
At Changdeokgung a palace built in the Joseon Dynasty and designated as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site in 1997 flowers began to bloom on ginger plants, Japanese apricot trees and cherry trees blending perfectly with Korea's traditional and unique architecture.
Although they are not in full blossom many people visited the site to feel and enjoy the warmth and liveliness of spring.

[Interview : Lee Yong-cho, Ansan resident] "We came out to the palace for a change and the weather is so great with the warm sunshine. The flowers that have bloomed here are so beautiful.

[Interview : Randy Rice, Tourist] "We have flowers and things like that in America but we don't have palaces and gardens like this. So it's very unique, very Korean, very different."

Due to frequent rainfall and the relatively low temperatures during March, the blooming of flowers has been delayed two to five days compared to last year.

And cherry blossoms, a big part of spring in Korea and already in full bloom in the southern parts of the country, will be able to be seen in Seoul this week with various festivals and events taking place until May.

In Ind.Sub:

Musim semi akhirnya tiba di Seoul tidak terkecuali di istana kerajaan yang terletak di pusat ibukota.Bunga sudah mulai mengintip keluar dari tunas mereka untuk menangkap sinar matahari April yang hangat setelah cuaca dingin tak terduga beberapa minggu terakhir.Di Changdeokgung sebuah istana yang dibangun pada Dinasti Joseon dan ditetapkan sebagai Situs Warisan Budaya Dunia UNESCO tahun 1997, bunga - bunga mulai bermekaran pada tanaman jahe, pohon aprikot Jepang dan pohon ceri pencampuran sempurna dengan arsitektur tradisional Korea yang unik.Meskipun mereka tidak di mekar penuh banyak orang yang mengunjungi situs ini untuk merasakan dan menikmati kehangatan dan keaktifan musim semi.

[Wawancara: Lee Yong-cho, penduduk] Ansan "Kami datang ke istana untuk perubahan dan cuaca yang begitu besar dengan sinar matahari yang hangat. Bunga-bunga yang mekar di sini begitu indah.

[Wawancara: Randy Rice, Wisata] "Saat ini ada bunga dan hal-hal seperti itu di Amerika, tetapi kami tidak memiliki istana dan taman-taman seperti ini Jadi sangat unik, sangat Korea, sangat berbeda.."
Karena seringnya hujan dan suhu yang relatif rendah selama bulan Maret,maka mekarnya bunga telah tertunda dua sampai lima hari dibandingkan tahun lalu.Dan bunga sakura yang sudah di mekar penuh di bagian selatan negara itu, akan dapat dilihat di Seoul pekan ini dengan berbagai festival dan acara yang berlangsung sampai Mei.
